The Daily Populous

Thursday June 29th, 2017 morning edition

image for Every Single Building Tested After Grenfell Tower Has Failed Cladding Safety Checks

Every single high-rise building tested – 120 in total – since the Grenfell Tower disaster has failed a fire safety check on its cladding, Theresa May has confirmed.

May said she understood that the material that was failing the tests was not compliant with building regulations.

However, she warned against blaming anyone in particular while a criminal investigation was ongoing.

She also said she hoped to shortly announce a judge to lead an inquiry into the disaster.

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn said 40% cuts to local authority budgets and "disastrous" austerity measures had reduced the ability of councils to enforce building regulations.

"Fewer inspectors, fewer building control inspectors, fewer planning inspectors.

We all pay a price," he said, attacking the government's "disregard for working-class communities" and warning of the "terrible consequences of deregulation and cutting corners". »

Fewer cardiac arrests after Affordable Care Act expanded coverage

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The United States has 350,000 cases of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest each year, a vast majority of them fatal.

To determine how Oregon’s implementation of the Affordable Care Act, popularly known as “Obamacare,” impacted these devastating events, researchers crunched the numbers.

After the Affordable Care Act was implemented, incidence of cardiac arrest was 17 percent lower. »

More than 40 ISPs Across the Country Tell Chairman Pai to Not Repeal Network Neutrality and Maintain Title II Enforcement

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And that classification has several corollary effects, because Title II isn't just about net neutrality.

Chairman Pai wants to reverse the 2015 decision to reclassify broadband as a "common carrier" service, thereby eliminating the protections Title II offers.

These ISPs are taking a stand for network neutrality because they know Chairman Pai's plan will hurt them as well as their subscribers. »

Abortion should not be crime, says doctors' union

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Doctors have backed decriminalising abortion, as momentum gathers to overhaul the 1967 Abortion Act.

"Following the debate, the majority of doctors were clear that abortion should be treated as a medical issue rather than a criminal one.

The vote at the doctors' annual conference in Bournemouth does not change the BMA's policy on the 24-week limit for an abortion. »

The big fight over Coexist

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The Coexist logo was created in 2000, in response to a contest held by the Museum of the Seam, a contemporary art museum in Jerusalem.

The logo he designed was one of the last works he showed to his father before Jan died in 2000.

He was confused — a fashion label in the United States was seeking his permission to use the Coexist logo. »