The Daily Populous

Saturday August 31st, 2019 night edition

image for 'Don't know why you're freaking out': Arkansas woman drowns on phone with 911

Authorities in Arkansas are investigating after a now-former 911 dispatcher scolded a frantic newspaper delivery woman for driving into floodwaters before she drowned.

Debbie Stevens spent the last moments of her life on the phone with a 911 dispatcher who did little to calm her fear.

Stevens spent the last frantic moments of her life on the phone with Reneau, who dismissed and mocked her.

Stevens was out delivering newspapers Aug. 24 when floodwaters swept away her car.

She dialed 911 to beg for help, but Reneau answered and returned that panic with mockery and contempt.

Stevens was on the phone with 911 for about 24 minutes as water filled up her car.

Reneau: "I understand that but you freaking out - doing nothing but losing your oxygen up in there so calm down.". »

Google wants to kill text messages and the networks aren't happy

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However, it’s been a hard task: those 43 mobile phone operators represent about five per cent of the 800-odd working worldwide.

A survey by 3CInteractive of RCS users said that fewer than four percent of respondents actively preferred plain-text SMS over RCS messages.

Read next Google has a new pitch for startups outside London's tech scene Google has a new pitch for startups outside London's tech scene. »

Bodyguard: there are accounts of PTSD in warfare from Homer to the Middle Ages

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This image of the suffering veteran dominates modern views of the soldier experience, but was this the case in ancient and medieval warfare?.

So popular is the contemporary idea that PTSD was common in the ancient world that ancient plays are now being used to help modern veterans.

But it does show that trauma and distress have followed as long as humans have waged war on one another. »