The Daily Populous

Friday March 8th, 2024 evening edition

image for Macron Ready to Send Troops to Ukraine if Russia Approaches Kyiv or Odesa

During the meeting Macron said he was open to the possibility of sending troops to Ukraine, as announced by, according to French newspaper L’Independant.

Fabien Roussel, a representative of the French Communist Party, said after the meeting that “Macron referenced a scenario that could lead to intervention [of French troops]: the advancement of the front towards Odesa or Kyiv.”.

He noted that the French President showed parliamentarians maps of the possible directions of strikes by Russian troops in Ukraine.

Following the meeting, Jordan Bardella of the far-right National Rally party noted that “there are no restrictions and no red lines” in Macron’s approach.

The possibility of Western ground troops in Ukraine was also discussed at a conference in Paris on Feb. 26, when Macron told the press: “Currently, there is no consensus on sending troops.

Despite Macron’s comments, most of his European allies indicated they would not send troops to Ukraine.

French officials also clarified that any potential forces sent would likely support operations such as de-mining rather than direct combat with Russian forces. »

Armenia’s Break With Moscow Redefines South Caucasus Geopolitics

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Despite the twists and turns in the geopolitics of the South Caucasus since the end of Soviet times, one assumption has remained essentially unchanged.

Consequently, while Armenia remains linked to Moscow in various ways, those analyzing what is happening in the South Caucasus and those hoping to influence this region need to take Armenia’s new direction seriously.

Türkiye will likely consider Armenia’s distancing from Russia as opening another path to closer relations with Yerevan and expanding Ankara’s influence in the South Caucasus. »

Square Enix Points To Final Fantasy VII Remake Trilogy’s PlayStation Exclusivity As A Key Reason For It’s Success Thus Far

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Now, as Square Enix is embarking on a journey to remake one game with three games, we’re learning why Square has decided to keep all three of these games exclusive to PlayStation consoles.

In an interview with the Washington Post, producer Yoshinori Kitase cites keeping Final Fantasy VII: Remake, Final Fantasy VII: Rebirth, and seemingly the third game exclusive to one platform has been a core part of the success of the first two games so far.

Square Enix taking the route to make all three games exclusive has clearly helped the team scale their efforts and development times appropriately. »