The Daily Populous

Monday November 23rd, 2020 night edition

image for Stacey Abrams helped register 800,000 voters and flipped Georgia for Biden. Here's what anyone can learn from her ability to inspire and influence others.

Abrams bounced back from her 2018 loss in the bid for Georgia governor to launch three nonprofit initiatives and register 800,000 voters in the 2020 presidential election.

In November 2018, Stacey Abrams lost her bid for Georgia governor despite winning more votes than any other Democrat in the state's history.

At 2 a.m. following election night, Abrams came to the podium with the composure and eloquence of a natural orator.

Her opponent, Republican Brian Kemp, had attempted to prevent tens of thousands of voters from casting their ballots.

"In Georgia, civil rights has always been an act of will and a battle for our souls.".

This year, she was able to energize voters in support of another long-held dream: turning Georgia blue in the presidential election.

Many of the new voters were young people and people of color, who are often most vulnerable to voter suppression. »

U.S. should look at how other high-income countries regulate health care costs

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The study, published in the journal Health Affairs, examined how other high-income countries that use a fee-for-service model regulate health care costs.

Although the United States has the highest health care prices in the world, the specific mechanisms commonly used by other countries to set and update prices are often overlooked.

Expanding public insurance and creating universal health care coverage for U.S. residents have been popular - even more so during the COVID-19 pandemic. »

A Republican judge just tore into Trump’s election lawyers for their incompetence

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And that’s just one of many scathing lines from a judge who is clearly frustrated with the incompetent lawyering on display in his courtroom.

It’s worth noting that, while Brann was appointed to the federal bench by Democratic President Barack Obama, the judge held multiple leadership positions within the Republican Party.

Obama frequently had to strike deals with Republican senators to appoint GOP judges, in order to prevent those senators from blocking Obama’s other nominees. »

TIL about the symbiotic relationship of wolves and ravens. Ravens will lead wolves to prey so that they can take a portion of the leftovers, play games of tail chasing with each other, and develop individual friendships.

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The wolf’s effective hunt of large prey and striking, soulful appearance have attracted both haters and lovers of this wild predator.

Much like their human counterparts, ravens and wolves have formed a mutually beneficial relationship in which they seem to both respect and engage each other in playful activities.

Although many animals benefit from a wolf pack’s kill of an elk or deer, the ravens are first on the scene. »