Not lame at all!

Image from and submitted by BreakinBricksWetNips
image showing Not lame at all!

mattjh on August 23rd, 2018 at 13:30 UTC »

I overheard someone in a coffee shop making fun of people who dangle their keys off their belt loop “from a fake carabiner all walking around like jingle bells” and I immediately detached my keys and threw my fake carabiner out

ComputerSciencePupil on August 23rd, 2018 at 14:48 UTC »

I mean he was the one who while at a college party mentioned a dream where he ate a load of spaghetti

tonikyat on August 23rd, 2018 at 16:36 UTC »

One time in college I was waiting outside my friends dorm to grab a bite to eat and this squad of like 12 dudes on razor scooters pulls up and waits on 3 other guys to come out. When the 3 come out the 12 ask if the guys sitting in the lobby are the kids that are always playing league of legends together and the 3 are like, “yeah but this time they’re playing Minecraft!” And they all proceeded to laugh and call those kids losers before taking off to ride their razor scooters together. The kicker was that the 3 who came out didn’t even have razor scooters they just jogged alongside the rest of the razor scooter gang.