The Daily Populous

Wednesday June 27th, 2018 morning edition

image for In the last scene of the chase sequence in RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK, actor Ronald Lacey wasn’t present so the filmmakers improvised (Credit to @lauzirika) : MovieDetails

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Last call for the phone booth?

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Now, they’re so rare that Peter Ackerman wrote a children’s book, “The Lonely Phone Booth,” about one of only four remaining outdoor phone booths in all of Manhattan.

“I walked past this phone booth every day with my kid when he was three years old,” Ackerman said.

Oh, and it turns out Manhattan’s four remaining outdoor phone booths are free! »

Sudan overturns death sentence for teen who killed her husband after he raped her

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A Sudanese court has overturned the death sentence for teenager Noura Hussein, who killed her husband after he raped her, in a case that has put a spotlight on forced child marriage and marital rape in the African nation.

Her legal team told CNN on Tuesday that Hussein, now 19, has been given a five-year jail term for killing the 35-year-old man.

Last week, CNN obtained a first-hand account from the teenager as she awaited retrial in an Omdurman prison cell after appealing her death sentence. »

Remember that California Democrat who helped AT&T eviscerate a net neutrality bill?

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Remember that California Democrat who helped AT&T eviscerate a net neutrality bill?

Mock-up of the crowdfunded billboard net neutrality supporters plan to put up in Los Angeles.

Last Wednesday, California Assemblymember Miguel Santiago became internet infamous for eviscerating the California net neutrality bill SB 822, leaving it full of loopholes demanded by ISPs. »