The Daily Populous

Thursday March 8th, 2018 morning edition

image for Michael B. Jordan buys teen a new retainer after she bit through it during his shirtless Black Panther scene

It looks like all that training Michael B. Jordan did for Black Panther paid off.

In one case, the sight of Jordan’s pectorals caused an 18-year-old to clench her teeth so hard that she broke her retainer.

The actor then did the only honorable thing and offered to replace the orthodontics equipment he broke by being too damn hot.

That’s just the kind of guy Michael B. Jordan is.

This insane story began earlier this week, like all great internet stories, with a post on Tumblr:.

But, before long, 18-year-old Sophia Robb from California came forward with the horrifying realization:.

When asked what she would think of Michael B. Jordan himself seeing all the hubbub about his muscly bod, Robb told Teen Vogue, “I would scream. »

Amazon’s fix for creepy laughing Alexa reports will disable the ‘Alexa, laugh’ phrase

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Amazon responded to the creepiness today in a statement to The Verge, saying, “We’re aware of this and working to fix it.”.

Later on in the day, Amazon said its planned fix will involve disabling the phrase, “Alexa, laugh,” and changing the command to “Alexa, can you laugh?”

Update at 7:05PM ET, 3/7: Added new statement from Amazon clarifying how the company plans to fix Alexa’s creepy laugh. »

Russian spy: Nerve agent 'used to try to kill' Sergei Skripal

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A nerve agent was used to try to murder a former Russian spy and his daughter, police have said.

"This is being treated as a major incident involving attempted murder, by administration of a nerve agent," he said.

Like the radioactive polonium used to kill Litvinenko, a nerve agent is not normally something criminal gangs or terrorist groups can make. »

Researcher: New forensic analysis indicates bones were Amelia Earhart's

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The data revealed that the bones have more similarity to Earhart than to 99 percent of individuals in a large reference sample.

Her tibia length was estimated from measurements of her clothing in the George Palmer Putnam Collection of Amelia Earhart Papers at Purdue University.

A group of researchers, including Jantz, believe she died as a castaway on the island of Nikumaroro. »

New Forensic Analysis Indicates Bones Were Earhart’s

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The program, co-created by Jantz, is used by nearly every board-certified forensic anthropologist in the US and around the world.

The data revealed that the bones have more similarity to Earhart than to 99 percent of individuals in a large reference sample.

Her tibia length was estimated from measurements of her clothing in the George Palmer Putnam Collection of Amelia Earhart Papers at Purdue University. »