The Daily Populous

Thursday February 22nd, 2018 night edition

image for Man removes feds’ spy cam, they demand it back, he refuses and sues

Soon after, Palacios received phone calls from Customs and Border Protection officials and the Texas Rangers.

Palacios, who had run-ins with local CBP agents going back several years, took the camera as the last straw.

He was tired of agents routinely trespassing on his land, and, even after complaining several times, he was frustrated that his grievances were not being heard.

As a possible way to ward off the threat of arrest, he sued the two agencies, along with a named CPB agent, Mario Martinez.

"To have put him in jail would have been—forget the indecency of it—what a way to end a career.".

"As a matter of policy, CBP does not comment on pending litigation," Jennifer Gabris, a CBP spokeswoman, emailed Ars.

"And if you all are going to keep doing that, you're going to have to pay for it. »

What Ever Happened To Brendan Fraser?

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If you watched movies at the end of the previous century, you watched Brendan Fraser.

And that's how I spend my first hour with Brendan Fraser.

Fraser lives down a dirt road, in a tall, angular house with a wide lawn that descends to a glittering lake. »

Why university libraries are tossing millions of books

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An ever-increasing number of books exist in the cloud, and libraries are banding together to ensure print copies are retained by someone, somewhere.

"It's not entirely comfortable for anyone," said Rick Lugg, executive director of OCLC Sustainable Collection Services, which helps libraries analyze their holdings.

Bookshelves are making way for group study rooms and tutoring centers, "makerspaces" and coffee shops, as libraries seek to reinvent themselves for the digital age. »

Woman finds her corgi comforting grieving stranger in the airport

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"She is very empathetic and in tune with my needs, yet she is so incredibly independent," Palm told TODAY.

On a layover at the Seattle airport, Cora approached a man who was sitting by himself near their gate.

Palm was deeply moved that her dog Cora seemed to know just who needed her attention. »