The Daily Populous

Friday November 17th, 2017 day edition

image for Fox News poll: Obama has higher favorability in Alabama than Trump

The poll, conducted from Monday to Wednesday and released Thursday, shows Obama with a 52 percent favorability rating in the state, compared to Trump’s 49 percent.

Trump won Alabama by 28 points in the 2016 presidential election, while Obama lost the state by about 22 points in 2008 and 2012.

Obama had a 45 percent unfavorable rating in the poll, while Trump had a 48 percent unfavorable rating.

Trump’s job approval rating in the poll was listed at 52 percent, while 47 percent disapprove of his job performance.

The same poll showed Democrat Doug Jones leading Republican Roy Moore by 8 points in the Alabama Senate race in the wake of sexual misconduct allegations against Moore.

The last Fox News poll on the race, conducted in mid-October, showed Jones and Moore were tied.

Moore has repeatedly denied allegations that he engaged in sexual misconduct with teenage girls when he was in his 30s. »

The FCC just repealed a 42-year-old rule blocking broadcast media mergers

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But now those rules represent a threat to small outlets that are struggling to survive in a vastly different media world, according to FCC Chairman Ajit Pai.

“Few of the FCC's rules are staler than our broadcast ownership regulations,” Pai said.

One long-standing rule repealed Thursday prevented one company in a given media market from owning both a daily newspaper and a TV station. »

Strengthening Causal Estimates for Links Between Spanking and Children’s Externalizing Behavior ProblemsPsychological Science

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These statistically rigorous methods yield the conclusion that spanking predicts a deterioration of children’s externalizing behavior over time.

Berlin L. J. , Ispa J. M. , Fine M. A. , Malone P. S. , Brooks-Gunn J. , Brady-Smith C. , , .

Correlates and consequences of spanking and verbal punishment for low-income White, African American, and Mexican American toddlers . »

Report: the US-led war against ISIS is killing 31 times more civilians than claimed

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It turns out that the military’s assertion is a stunning underestimation of the true human cost of Washington’s three-year-old war against ISIS.

An 18-month-long investigation by the New York Times has found that the US-led military coalition is killing civilians in Iraq at a rate 31 times higher than it’s admitting.

In the places they visited, they found that the coalition vastly underreported how many civilians had died in the bombing. »

Who Won the 2017 Mars City Design Architecture Prize?

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This year’s first-place winner in architecture comes from M.I.T., whose team’s design for a Martian habitat is rooted in the structure of trees.

Terraforming Mars may eventually be achieved by creating a network of small habitats, given that Mars is completely inhospitable for human life.

Redwood Forest’s biodome sits atop a network of underground roots, which function as living and working quarters for its residents. »