There is no red color in this image.

Image from and submitted by trituman
image showing There is no red color in this image.

FingerGungHo on April 25th, 2024 at 12:07 UTC »

I want to take my brain out of my head and slap it for lying to me

Fzoul6 on April 25th, 2024 at 13:46 UTC »

Excuse my ignorance. Since there is no red but our mind tricks us into seeing red…..what does a person with a colour blindness to red see?

Spartan2470 on April 25th, 2024 at 14:10 UTC »

Here is a MUCH higher quality version of this image where you can zoom in and see this much more clearly. Over here, /u/Vlodimir_Putin explains:

This is an example of simultaneous color contrast, a phenomenon that occurs when two adjacent colors influence one another, changing your perception of the colors. The cones in your eyes make it seem like it is pink. Cones give your eyes good color vision but can also play tricks with your brain, hence why from a distance, ie not zoomed in, the color appears pink and why you see the can of Coke as “red” even though there is no red in the image.

Essentially, the way your eyes see color in the first place is by contrasting it with other colors.

Edit: This is what happens when you zoom in on the can.