The Daily Populous

Tuesday April 23rd, 2024 morning edition

image for Conservatives Quickly Turn Against “Idiot” Marjorie Taylor Greene

Yet again, Marjorie Taylor Greene's comments are being used by Kremlin propagandists on Russian state TV.

It’s a new development for Greene, who previously was mocked in the country for confusing gazpacho with Gestapo and claiming that Jewish space lasers caused the California wildfires.

Russian TV even said her words were proof of “mental debilitation” in Western politics.

It looks like former Representative Ken Buck was right on the money when he called her “Moscow Marjorie.”.

Some experts have even suggested that Russia is buying off American politicians just like they do in Europe.

Greene wouldn’t be the only Republican to spew Kremlin talking points, but she seems to be the most popular so far.

Johnson was so beloved on Russian television for blocking aid to Ukraine that one TV host called him “Our Johnson. »

Zelensky: Draft age lowered because younger generation fit, tech-savvy

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Zelensky signed several laws on mobilization on April 2, one of which lowered the minimum age of compulsory military service from 27 to 25, making men eligible for the draft from age 25.

"There are specific criteria regarding the age and physical condition of combatants so that they can be trained and sent later to the front," Zelensky told Travers.

Younger fighters can also master the different technologies used on the battlefield, Zelensky said. »

Belgian man whose body makes its own alcohol cleared of drunk-driving

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A Belgian man has been acquitted of drunk-driving because he has auto-brewery syndrome (ABS), an extremely rare condition whereby the body produces alcohol, his lawyer has said.

The Bruges police court, which acquitted the man, did not immediately reply to an email requesting comment.

Patients can present with symptoms consistent with alcohol intoxication such as slurred speech, stumbling, loss of motor functions, dizziness and belching. »

Man, 110, Drives Car Every Day, Offers Tips For Healthy Long Life

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At 110 years old, Vincent Dransfield still drives his car every day, getting coffee at the convenience store and buying lunch.

“He drives completely fine — better than some other people I see,” Erica Lista, Dransfield’s granddaughter, tells Dransfield says he still drives his Hyundai every day.

Born on March 28, 1914, Dransfield not only enjoys incredible longevity, but healthy longevity, with a fit mind and body. »

Nexus Mods Website Is Facing Surge In traffic Due To Popularity Of Fallout TV Series

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Mod distributor Nexus Mods is facing a surge in traffic on its website due to the popularity of the Fallout TV series.

Nexus Mods has shared a post regarding degradation of services across the website and corresponding applications as a result of heavy traffic caused by the popularity of the Fallout TV series.

The Fallout TV series has sparked renewed interest in Fallout games, leading to Fallout 4 climbing to the top 30 on Steam. »