Can Abortion Rights Voters Turn Florida Blue?

Authored by and submitted by OtmShanks55
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I’m a Latina, and I’ve been very present in my community for years before I was elected to serve in Congress, during Congress, after Congress. I have been speaking to our communities in Spanish radio, Spanish media, about issues that matter most to them. One of them is gun safety. Latinos understand what it means to live under government control, under political violence, political persecution. And I can tell you that my story is the story of so many Latinos living in South Florida, but also Floridians across the state. And so I feel very strongly that when you are present in our community, they come and vote for the person that’s going to represent them. And that’s what happened in 2018; it’s the same thing that’s going to happen now in 2024.

And let’s remember one thing: Argentina, Colombia, Mexico—very conservative countries in Central and South America—passed laws to protect access to abortion and reproductive rights. Because there’s a direct link to violence against women when you don’t have that care, that access to care, and also high levels of maternal mortality. And because of that, women organized in Latin America and were able to put pressure on the government to pass these laws. And so Latina women are Latinas for choice. They don’t want the government interfering in these private matters. They don’t want politicians making those decisions for them. Many of us have left that government to come to America to experience freedom and democracy. And that resonates because it resonates with me as a Latina, and it resonates with our communities in Florida.

just_the_facts_man on April 5th, 2024 at 12:22 UTC »

An over 55 predominately white upper middle class district in Florida booted out the Republican incumbent for a Democratic challenger by 14 points on Tuesday. No one thought that was going to happen either. But it did.

ferociouswhimper on April 5th, 2024 at 11:27 UTC »

Florida won't flip. But, it might help Democrats a little because now Republicans will have to spend more money there due to this abortion issue on the ballot.

gregwhale5 on April 5th, 2024 at 11:16 UTC »

I hope so. I don't like how orange Florida is.

Referring to orange man, you know the one, the father of lies....