John McCain meets President Nixon in 1973 after returning from Vietnam

Image from and submitted by Gavin-Oldsom
image showing John McCain meets President Nixon in 1973 after returning from Vietnam

Honest_Picture_6960 on April 2nd, 2024 at 18:52 UTC »

Fun or Sad Fact despite on what your POW (no pun intended) is:McCain had several chances to get back to the US because he was from a rich and influential family BUT he remained back there because he didnt like the idea of him going home but his fellow “war buddies” remaining there in prisons

3MATX on April 2nd, 2024 at 19:29 UTC »

Locked up abroad has an episode about another captured soldier that gets imprisoned next to McCain. John was alive for the filming and gave a great narrative for the story. I really think he cared about people and wanted to help. I’ll never forget his gladiator vote to keep Obamacare against Trumps wishes and his parties. Dude knew right from wrong and I’m not sure how many of those guys and gals exist in Washington. 

gentleman_bronco on April 2nd, 2024 at 19:41 UTC »

“He’s not a war hero. He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured.”

-Donald Trump, 12 September 2015

Way to show your true colors, conservatives. As a disabled veteran, I don't want you to like me either.

Edit: for those of you who are DMing me, trying to split hairs between conservatives and Republicans... Its because of your "conservative values on some issues" that I still don't want you to like me. You are failing at distancing yourselves from republicans and therefore, you are all the same.