The Daily Populous

Thursday March 14th, 2024 night edition

image for Helldivers 2 players share videos of new flying bug enemy, Arrowhead boss immediately declares them 'bug sympathizers' and insists 'bugs can't fly'

Reports from Helldivers 2 players suggest a new type of enemy has joined the frey: a bug breed possibly called the "Shrieker."

That's all been gleaned from a video shared on the Helldivers 2 subreddit by user Projectpatdc, who appeared very surprised to suddenly be attacked by an unknown Terminid foe.

On Reddit, user Litnos has also shared a sighting, adding that the "Shriekers" appeared for them as a random side objective similar to Stalkers.

In the Reddit clip, Projectpatdc is in the middle of a standard refinery mission at level 5 difficulty when the Shrieker strafing begins.

A single strike deals over half of their HP, and the pest immediately escapes back to the sky.

The surprise sightings coincide with the beginning of a major order that introduced an additional mission type to Helldivers 2.

The Ministry of Truth agrees that this is propaganda from bug sympathizers that want to brainwash good people.". »

Nearly 50% of US parents financially supporting adult children, study finds

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The average age of adults receiving financial help from their parents – sometimes at the risk of the parents’ retirement security – was 22, according to the study.

And while parents surveyed in the study on average said their adult children should become financially independent by 25, many were supporting those children beyond that milestone.

Millennials and gen X adult children were on average given between $907 and $960 each month by their parents. »

US safety agency says Boeing video of door-plug removal was overwritten

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He stated he was unable to provide that information and maintained that Boeing has no records of the work being performed.”.

On Friday, Boeing said it believed required documents detailing the removal of the door plug during production were never created.

Boeing said its working hypothesis was that “the documents required by our processes were not created when the door plug was opened”. »

Staff at a Virginia wildlife center pretend to be red foxes as they care for an orphaned kit

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RICHMOND, Va. (AP) — Employees of the Richmond Wildlife Center in Virginia are doing their best to act like mother foxes as they feed and care for an orphaned kit that found her way into their care.

Wildlife center staff initially tried to locate the kit’s mother and her den site so they could reunite them.

Staff at the wildlife center have been taking turns feeding the kit every two to four hours, all while wearing the fox mask. »