The Daily Populous

Tuesday March 12nd, 2024 evening edition

image for Donald Trump Stung as New Poll Shows How Unpopular He Is

Primaries being held on Tuesday could push Trump over the line.

Neither candidate is viewed as more popular than unpopular, recent polling has consistently shown, with more people disapproving of both than approving.

Around two thirds of voters disapproved of his handling of immigration and the Middle Eastern conflict, the ABC/Ipsos poll found.

However, political scientists have suggested Biden's base will hold their nose over the issue when faced with the prospect of a Trump victory.

Former president and 2024 presidential hopeful Donald Trump seen after speaking at a campaign event in Rome, Georgia, on March 9, 2024.

Recent polling suggests the Republican candidate continues to be viewed unfavorably by a... Former president and 2024 presidential hopeful Donald Trump seen after speaking at a campaign event in Rome, Georgia, on March 9, 2024.

Recent polling suggests the Republican candidate continues to be viewed unfavorably by a majority of voters. »

LATAM Airlines passenger says pilot told him he lost control of Boeing plane after instrument failure

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Passenger Brian Jokat described the horrifying moment when he was woken from his sleep as the aircraft “dropped something to the effect of 500 feet instantly.”.

After landing in Auckland, Jokat said the pilot checked on the passengers and explained he had temporarily lost control of the jet.

“I immediately engaged with him and said, ‘What was that?’ And he openly admitted, he said, ‘I lost control of the plane. »

FDA to Finally Outlaw Soda Ingredient Prohibited Around The World

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An ingredient once commonly used in citrus-flavored sodas to keep the tangy taste mixed thoroughly through the beverage could finally be banned for good across the US.

Sticking a dozen bromine atoms to a triglyceride creates a dense oil that floats evenly throughout water when mixed with less dense fats.

With suitable alternatives to BVO already being used to make citrus drinks around the world taste tangy down to the very last drop, the ingredient isn't likely to be missed. »