The Daily Populous

Sunday January 21st, 2024 morning edition

image for Insect populations flourish in the restored habitats of solar energy facilities

Researchers at the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Argonne National Laboratory and National Renewable Energy Laboratory wanted to understand the ecological value of PV solar energy sites planted with native grasses and wildflowers.

Restoration of insect habitat paired with smart land use changes toward renewable energy developments could help reverse the course.

For instance, as a carbon-neutral source of electricity, expanded PV solar energy development is critical to mitigating climate change.

Pairing solar energy facilities on previously disturbed lands with habitat enhancement sounds like a logical win-win strategy to address energy and biodiversity challenges.

"It demonstrates, if properly sited, habitat-friendly solar energy can be a feasible way to safeguard insect populations and can improve the pollination services in adjacent agricultural fields."

Second, habitat-friendly solar sites can help mitigate land-use conflicts associated with the conversion of farmland for solar energy production.

Insect community responses to habitat establishment at solar energy facilities in Minnesota, USA, Environmental Research Letters (2023). »

Woman who donated kidney has favor returned in the most heartwarming way

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Woman who donated kidney has favor returned in the most heartwarming way.

In a heartwarming turn of events, a woman who donated her kidney to a man had the favor returned when his wife's kidney was used as a transplant for the original donor's brother.

And about 12 people die daily waiting for that donation without getting it, according to the National Kidney Foundation. »

Iran vows revenge on Israel for strike that kills 5 guards in Damascus

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The Guards said an unspecified number of members of the Syrian military were killed, along with the five Iranians, whom it identified without giving their ranks.

In December, an Israeli air strike killed two Guards members, and another near Damascus on Dec. 25 killed a senior adviser to the Guards who was overseeing military coordination between Syria and Iran.

CORRECTION: This article has been updated to show that the Israeli strike in south Lebanon killed one Hezbollah fighter and a Lebanese national, not two Hamas fighters. »

Retired teacher’s pension stopped as provider refuses to believe she is not dead

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A retired teacher has had her pension payments stopped four times because her pension provider repeatedly refuses to accept that she is not dead.

“In November I had received two letters from Teachers’ Pensions asking me euphemistically if I was dead,” she said.

Despite a further call to Teachers’ Pensions the widow’s pension payment she also receives from the scheme was also stopped. »

Assassin’s Creed 4 Remake Has Begun Development At Ubisoft

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While there has been no official word from Ubisoft since then, a new update on LinkedIn hints that the remake already began development in September 2023.

Seems like development on the Assassin's Creed 4 Black Flag remake has started late last year.

Developers from the Skull and Bones & Assassin's Creed team inside Ubisoft Singapore have moved to an 'Unannounced Assassin's Creed Project' in September 2023. — JorRaptor (@Jorraptor) January 19, 2024. »