The Daily Populous

Monday November 27th, 2023 day edition

image for Krebs-Impfstoffe: Biontech plant Therapieansatz vor 2030

Der Chef des Impfstoffherstellers Biontech rechnet mit einem Impfstoff noch vor 2030.

Biontech-Chef Chef Ugur Sahin sagt: "Wir wollen Krebsimmuntherapien entwickeln, sodass das körpereigene Abwehrsystem den Krebs bekämpfen kann."

Der Impfstoffhersteller Biontech geht davon aus, dass erste maßgeschneiderte mRNA-basierte Impfstoffe gegen Krebs bereits innerhalb der nächsten Jahre zugelassen werden könnten.

Wir erwarten, dass unsere ersten mRNA-basierten Krebsimpfstoffe noch vor 2030 zugelassen werden können.

Konkret sieht der Ansatz von Biontech eine Krebsimmuntherapie vor, bei der das körpereigene Abwehrsystem den Krebs bekämpfen kann.

Ziel von Biontech sei es, ein Unternehmen so aufzustellen, dass es alle erforderlichen Schritte einer Therapie technologisch innerhalb kurzer Zeit abbilden kann.

Biontech hatte in den vergangenen beiden Jahren jeweils Milliardengewinne durch Erlöse mit dem Vakzin gegen das Coronavirus eingefahren und will damit nun die Entwicklung von Therapien etwa gegen Krebs vorantreiben. »

Have You Listened Lately to What Trump Is Saying?

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The former president continued, “The threat from outside forces is far less sinister, dangerous, and grave than the threat from within.

In a September 20 speech in Dubuque, Iowa, Trump said, “What they’re doing to our country, they’re destroying it.

They indulge in whataboutism and catastrophism—the belief that society is on the edge of collapse—to justify their support for Trump. »

Human Rights Watch says rocket misfire likely cause of deadly Gaza hospital blast

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A satellite image shows Al-Ahli hospital, amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas, in Gaza November 7, 2023.

GENEVA, Nov 26 (Reuters) - Human Rights Watch (HRW) said on Sunday that evidence suggested a misfired rocket was the likely cause of an explosion that resulted in heavy casualties at a hospital in Gaza on Oct. 17.

Palestinians blamed an Israeli air strike, while Israel said it was caused by a misfiring Palestinian rocket launch. »

ByteDance says to restructure Nuverse in retreat from gaming business

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HONG KONG, Nov 27 (Reuters) - TikTok maker ByteDance plans to wind down its Nuverse gaming brand and retreat from mainstream video games, four people familiar with the matter said.

ByteDance told Reuters it had decided to restructure its gaming business after a review, without giving further details.

Following a recent review, we've made the difficult decision to restructure our gaming business," the spokeperson said. »

Three Palestinian students shot and wounded in Vermont, police say

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Three college students described as being of Palestinian descent were shot and wounded on Saturday evening in Burlington, Vermont, on their way to a family dinner.

According to Seven Days Vermont, local authorities have only said three people were shot near the University of Vermont campus just before 6.30pm Saturday.

CBS news local affiliate Channel Three confirmed all three shooting victims are of Palestinian descent but did not name them. »