Dublin, Ireland. City Centre Riots. 2023

Image from preview.redd.it and submitted by Infiniteconstancy
image showing Dublin, Ireland. City Centre Riots. 2023

beetus_gerulaitis on November 24th, 2023 at 15:22 UTC »

These will show up soon on Fox News as photographic evidence of why liberal policies have failed in Portland, OR.

Inside_Ad_7162 on November 24th, 2023 at 15:31 UTC »

A female teacher & a bunch of kids, including a 5 year old girl, got stabbed outside a school. They arrested someone, but are refusing to say who it was other than that he's been an Irish citizen for 20 years.

It doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure out that the people rioting think it's an immigrant carrying out a terror attack.

The attacker is in critical condition because passers-by obviously kicked the living crap out of him...I might add a Brazilian immigrant who was delivering food jumped in to stop him when he saw what was happening...

So far-right, or people angry about attacks on children, or both? Probably both, I'm sorry to say.

OCleirigh29 on November 24th, 2023 at 16:18 UTC »

Dublin has been a tinder box for a while. The City has been terrorised with Irish gangs all Summer to the point they nearly killed an American tourist in a violent, unprovoked attack and the American Embassy had to issue a security warning to its citizens that the City wasn’t safe and not to travel alone.No doubt a lot of those same gangs involved tonight. These people have the cheek to call themselves Irish while using a horrific, thankfully isolated incident-to destroy shops, transport infrastructure and people’s livelihoods to push their far right agenda. They post on social media their bullshit, rallying the crowds and couldn’t even get the flag of our country right (they used the Ivory Coast one) and are celebrating being tweeted and retweeted by infamous racists from the BNP and convicted racist thugs in England-you know the same people that invited themselves over and took a chunk of our country 800 years ago?! The mind boggles.

The Irish have emigrated and been accepted all over the world, we have absolutely no right to say that we want to close our borders to anyone. Thankfully among the devastation of last night, we seen the real Irish people, not this disillusioned, ill reared scum-also on the streets-helping people get home safe-especially if they may be seen as targets. This is Ireland.