Oklahoma senator proposes 'Lock the Clock' bill for permanent daylight saving time

Authored by okcfox.com and submitted by Sandstorm400
image for Oklahoma senator proposes 'Lock the Clock' bill for permanent daylight saving time

An Oklahoma Senator is pushing to have the clock locked and not have to change it throughout the year.

Senator Blake “Cowboy” Stephens filed legislation Friday continuing his efforts to “Lock the Clock” in Oklahoma in Daylight Saving Time (DST) permanently. Senate Bill 1200 would keep those in the state from having to change their clocks twice a year – an action the Tahlequah Republican said negatively impacts Oklahomans and needs to change.

“There are so many benefits to staying in Daylight Saving Time year-round,” Stephens said. “It would provide more daylight for commerce, exercise, and other outdoor activities, but we would also see less car accidents, crime, depression, and fewer heart attacks and other stress-related health incidents often attributed to the time change. I’m hopeful my legislative colleagues will listen to the majority of Oklahomans in support of this measure and help me get it to the governor’s desk.”

As a trigger law, SB 1200 would go into effect following the passage of the federal Sunshine Protection Act by Congress, which would allow states to permanently adopt DST or practice standard time. Nearly half of the states have already passed legislation to stop their clock, with 19 choosing DST. According to the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL), at least 29 other states have considered or are considering DST legislation.

The bill will be available for consideration when the Legislature convenes in February.

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ParusMajor69 on November 12nd, 2023 at 02:04 UTC »

Every year the same thing, and nothing comes of it.

Ibelieveinphysics on November 12nd, 2023 at 01:46 UTC »

At this point, I don't give a shit as long as they stop switching the clocks.

Meb2x on November 12nd, 2023 at 01:41 UTC »

I actually looked into this earlier this week because I remember a similar bill from last year. In 2022, the Senate voted in unison to get rid of Daylight Savings Time. The House didn’t vote on the bill though because they couldn’t agree if we should stay in Daylight Savings Time or Standard Time as the default. They tried passing the bill again this year and it was sent to a committee where it will immediately be forgotten