Was told I couldn’t ride here because endangered wildlife lived here. Now it will be a warehouse.

Image from preview.redd.it and submitted by zack1567
image showing Was told I couldn’t ride here because endangered wildlife lived here. Now it will be a warehouse.

ItsOnlyaFewBucks on November 10th, 2023 at 16:24 UTC »

You had to slip the planning commission a five'r first. It only takes money to eliminate endangered wildlife.

TheBirdBytheWindow on November 10th, 2023 at 16:31 UTC »

The EPA rollback has killed wetlands. Its devastating.

Fuck the Supreme Court and their vested interests.

SilentMaster on November 10th, 2023 at 16:32 UTC »

I build a series of trails through a 100 acre nature preserve in my town a few years ago. One of the coolest trails goes through this awesome meadow. The trail is on a hill, up hill is just nothing but tall grass for 200 feet and down the hill is a swamp like this. There is always so much wildlife here, it is hands down the coolest part of the property. At the top of the hill is one of those "you store it" places. The preserve is city owned, but there is a barbed wire fence where the storage buildings end.

About 4 years ago I noticed the fence was gone and a huge amount of dirt and cement trash had been dumped down the hill and leveled off on top. It looked like ass, but I figured I didn't know where the property line was, so that was probably their property, and it would eventually cover with grass and erode a bit so whatever.

Then the next year they did it again only it came out 200 feet and completely covered my trail. Since this was a hill we're talking about 20 to 30 feet tall of dirt, old sidewalks, landscaping garbage, and even actual garbage like glass bottles. This was obviously the foundation for them building another row of storage buildings.

So I email the parks department, they say they sold a couple of acres to the storage people. Nothing I can do about it.

I start creating a new trail 50 feet further down hill, pissed that my years of effort were gone in a matter of weeks. It wasn't the same, the view was ruined, you were too close to the swamp to see it and the trail was actually in the water now, so anyone walking this trail was now going to get wet feet.

But the good news is the next year my problem was solved. They put in another 100 feet of dirt completely ruining this entire section the park. I told the parks admin I was closing this trail entirely. I went to the two trail heads removed the signs, and stacked sticks across the trail. That really killed my enthusiasm for volunteering for this park.

That was until last year when I found out the city ok'd someone installing 18 holes of disc golf in the nature preserve. Apparently the hiring standards for parks administrators isn't very high.