Ron DeSantis Is Almost Definitely Wearing Lifts in His Boots

Authored by and submitted by ghqwertt
image for Ron DeSantis Is Almost Definitely Wearing Lifts in His Boots

Anyone looking at Ron DeSantis’s feet during his lackluster presidential run has noticed that something is off. Why do the Florida governor’s boots look so weird? There’s simply too much boot for one man.

The thing with the desantis heels is that shit didn't come out of nowhere. His team didn't independently come up with that idea and get the boots manufactured. It's probably been standard procedure for public figures under 5'10 for the last 50 years and we've just now noticed. — Jo (@junker_jo) October 31, 2023

For months, the online chattering classes have been speculating that DeSantis is wearing inserts in his shoes to boost his height. This week, the candidate’s footwear issue finally came to a head after podcast host Patrick Bet-David raised it directly with him. DeSantis denied that he was doing anything suspicious, claiming he wears off-the-rack Lucchese boots.

Ron Desantis gets confronted today about why he is wearing lifts in cowboy boots to make himself appear taller. — Ron Filipkowski (@RonFilipkowski) October 30, 2023

“How tall are you, governor?” asked Bet-David.

On Tuesday, Politico followed up on this all-important issue, asking three shoe experts about the likelihood of DeSantis wearing lifts. The results looked worse for DeSantis than his polling in Iowa. “I’ve dealt with these politicians many times,” Houston boot-maker Zephan Parker told Politico. “I’ve helped them with their lifts. [DeSantis] is wearing lifts; there’s no doubt.” According to Parker’s analysis of DeSantis’s boots, the effect is the same as wearing “five-inch stilettos.” One giveaway, he said, is the extremely wide top of DeSantis’s boots, which would allow the candidate to slip lifts in.

what — and i cannot emphasize this enough — are thooooooose — Max Steele (@maxasteele) October 6, 2023

Austin boot-maker Graham Ebner also pointed out the obvious wiggle room DeSantis has in his boot’s “toe spring,” the area where a wearer’s toes curl up. Ebner said it wouldn’t make sense for the boots to have that much room “unless the heels were being lifted dramatically.”

The consensus extends beyond Texas. London shoemaker Nicholas Templeman noted that the widest part of a shoe is usually toward the front, where the pad of one’s foot rests on the ground, but that DeSantis’s foot appears widest in the middle of his boot. “If you put lifts inside a pair of ready-made boots, you’re going to put the front of your foot in the middle of the boot, which is not shaped for the widest part of your foot,” Templeman said. “This will push out the leather and cause it to hang over the boot.”

But the three boot experts told Politico that they believed DeSantis’s lifts gave him about 1.5 inches of extra height — enough to put him above the unofficial minimum for modern presidents. The last president to be shorter than six feet was Jimmy Carter.

DeSantis’s press secretary firmly denied any funny boot business to Politico and attacked the publication in the process.

Brandon_Won on November 1st, 2023 at 01:10 UTC »

It's the weirdest indictment of him and his voters.

He is such a weak pussy that he can't stand not being tall because he can't disassociate height from power/importance. So he has to lie to everyone and himself about something so unimportant as his height.

And he believes his voters are such mouth breathing dumbshits that all it takes to convince them of his manly cowboy nature is to wear part of the costume.

And his dumbshit voters are actually that dumb that they see him wearing boots or a hat and think "Fuck yeah I'm voting for a cowboy!"

Literally everyone involved with this man looks like an insecure dumbshit.

Putrid_Character2682 on November 1st, 2023 at 01:08 UTC »

The toe of the boot is folded upward because there is nothing there to keep the boot flat

walker1555 on November 1st, 2023 at 01:00 UTC »

They're not small lifts. He stomps around like a guy wearing two inch heels. It's really weird looking.