5MB hard drive by IBM

Image from preview.redd.it and submitted by Inevitably_Ponderin_
image showing 5MB hard drive by IBM

CurrentlyLucid on October 25th, 2023 at 13:06 UTC »

I was factory trained at TI on a business computer in the early 80's. the hard drive was 10MB, and it had cartridges that looked like a big cake box with a half dozen platters, When you swapped them, you had to align the read/write heads, tighten them down, then run the "exerciser" which randomly accessed places for a few mins, then recheck the alignment. Nice to be using a 1tb nvme drive these days.

partizan92 on October 25th, 2023 at 13:48 UTC »

It was loaded up with an MP3 of Tom's Diner by Suzanne Vega.

Witsand87 on October 25th, 2023 at 14:24 UTC »

While this is crazy, as everyone already pointed out, to me seeing 1956 and clothes/ cars from that time with the word "5mb" is actually insane. Mankind just barely came out of the horse driven era to where the average person could afford a car, and we're already talking about 5mb storage? 11 years ago Hitler was alive, 3 years ago Stalin still lived, 5mb storage. Just amazing actually.