Protest in New York City

Image from and submitted by WeAreTheBaddiess
image showing Protest in New York City

Roguenact on October 24th, 2023 at 10:04 UTC »

Chickens 4 KFC

Vefantur on October 24th, 2023 at 10:19 UTC »

It's odd to me to bring sexuality into something that's religious/political like this, especially when the side that they're protesting for would kill/imprison them for being LGBT. "Ceasefire Now" as if Hamas would follow such a thing even if Israel was willing.

edit: Huh, I'm getting both vague homophobia thrown at me AND LGBT people acting as if I've been homophobic. This is a first and kinda funny. I'm nb myself if that sways anything.

edit: I've come to the conclusion I'm just a bad person because I wouldn't march in support of those who would kill me.

edit: Kinda disappointed this is locked now. Most people were pretty civil (even if carrying plenty of strawmen around), I thought. My comment has been picked apart word by word at this point and it's interesting how many takes people can have on what I said.

NewGuy10002 on October 24th, 2023 at 12:42 UTC »

The fuck being gay got to do with anything?