Louvre visitors waiting their turn to see the Mona Lisa close up

Image from preview.redd.it and submitted by NortheastAttic
image showing Louvre visitors waiting their turn to see the Mona Lisa close up

karen_h on October 16th, 2023 at 19:18 UTC »

We saw that line and noped out of there. You can walk by it, and I took a few side pics. Otherwise, yep. Pretty underwhelming. The rest of the place was awesome!

shaggy-- on October 16th, 2023 at 19:34 UTC »

Looks like they're spilling out of the crowd in the painting behind them.

thewarehouse on October 16th, 2023 at 20:07 UTC »

The painting is about 20x30 inches. People think it's this massive thing. It's underwhelming compared to its social and cultural impact.

On the other hand most people don't know Michelangelo's David is 17 feet tall. It's so tall Michelangelo employed the opposite trick that Disney engineers use on their castles to make them look taller. He made the features larger at the top to combat foreshortening.

Additional artwork-scale trivia: Monet's "Water Lilies" is actually a series of hundreds of canvases (approx 250 paintings). Some are the size of entire walls. There are traveling exhibits that are nothing but empty rooms with the walls completely covered in Water Lilies canvases. This one is 6.5 x 42 feet.