Republicans Are Planning to “Deal With” Matt Gaetz and His Allies

Authored by and submitted by thenewrepublic
image for Republicans Are Planning to “Deal With” Matt Gaetz and His Allies

☀️ NEWS: @BretBaier hosting closed speaker candidate debate/convo btwn SCALISE, JORDAN, HERN Monday in the Capitol.

- @PatrickMcHenry has met w people urging him to run for speaker.

- the push to get 218 in conference

- the group that won’t… — Jake Sherman (@JakeSherman) October 6, 2023

This was, to put it lightly, a self-defeating idea. A debate for speaker would force each candidate into grandstanding and promises that would arguably make whipping votes and bringing bills to the floor impossible. McCarthy’s speakership was just ended in part because of Gaetz’s ability to wield the kind of naked, fantastical partisanship represented by Fox News as a cudgel. A debate would accomplish nothing, but it would virtually guarantee that the kind of dysfunction we have seen over the past week would play out indefinitely. (It also made little sense from Scalise’s perspective, given that Jordan is far better suited for a Fox News debate.)

In any case, the candidates came to their senses: A few hours after the debate was announced, it was reported by multiple outlets that all parties had reconsidered. It still isn’t clear how the race for speaker will play out. It is still very likely that whoever becomes speaker will have many of the same problems McCarthy did. But one thing is certain: Whatever happens, it won’t be televised.

Searchlights on October 10th, 2023 at 15:15 UTC »

If the Republican party wants to sever ties with MAGA I'm here for it. It will be a shitshow and it's what's best for everybody.

thefugue on October 10th, 2023 at 15:06 UTC »

…just like they’ve “dealt with” any issue that wasn’t taxing the rich I’ll bet.

thenewrepublic on October 10th, 2023 at 14:51 UTC »

“Matt Gaetz is frankly a vile person,” Representative Mike Lawler told CNN’s Manu Raju late Monday. “He’s not somebody who’s willing to work as a team. He stands up there, he grandstands, he lies directly to folks.”