Cambridge, Massachusetts at a Harvard protest

Image from and submitted by etfvpu
image showing Cambridge, Massachusetts at a Harvard protest

Indiesol on October 9th, 2023 at 22:44 UTC »

I can condemn the attacks by Hamas AND the treatment of Palestinians by the Israeli government at the same time.

isocuda on October 9th, 2023 at 22:45 UTC »

This is on brand for "I live in Cambridge, not Boston"

agu-agu on October 10th, 2023 at 04:02 UTC »

Jesus man, the timing of this kind of statement is insane.

It's a fact that Israel treats Palestinians like shit, commits humanitarian crimes, and holds them as second class citizens in their own nation.

On the other hand, it's also a fact that Hamas is an anti-semitic, genocidal terrorist organization that just massacred a bunch of unarmed civilians to the highest extent in Israel's history.

If it's wrong for Israel to kill civilians, it's wrong for Hamas. There is no justification whatsoever for this shit. If you say "oh, well Israel killed civilians too," then that same logic can be used by Israelis to now justify massacring even more Palestinians. Where does this shit stop?

Kidnapping old people and kids is just disgusting shit. Videos of mangled, nude corpses of girls murdered by terrorists at music festivals getting spat on and degraded by Palestinians is unacceptable. Period.

Say whatever you want about the plight of Palestinians, but the fact is that the optics of what Hamas did is undeniably shitty. Like unbelievably. To stand around and go "well what about this and that" is just a roundabout way of providing excuses for an organization that uses the same verbiage as Hitler did when talking about Jews.

Go read the charter of Hamas and get back to me. Dudes have language you can't distinguish from Nazis, and I'm not saying that hyperbolically. If they had all the power in the dynamic between Israel and Palestine, they'd execute every single Jew - man, woman, and child.

With that said - fuck Netanyahu, fuck the Israeli government, and fuck their own war crimes. Something in this conflict has to give. If it's just constant back and forth brutality, then there's nothing to gain from it.