Vantablack, the blackest substance ever created.

Image from and submitted by Sometimebend
image showing Vantablack, the blackest substance ever created.

chr0nicpirate on September 22nd, 2023 at 16:47 UTC »

Just for anyone's who may not be aware. This is a coating on the actual piece of crumpled aluminum foil, not a flat piece of fabric, sitting on top of it or something. The reason it looks so flat is because it uniformly and completely absorbs all light so it doesn't get reflected back at weird angles. Photos of vantablack are difficult because no display can even show that shade of black so they do things like this that create optical illusions to get the point across.

markhewitt1978 on September 22nd, 2023 at 17:43 UTC »

I doubt that it's blacker than Priest Socks.

BurnOutBrighter6 on September 22nd, 2023 at 21:58 UTC »

Well it was at the time, but it was surpassed by newer materials in 2019.

The world’s blackest material, Vantablack, no longer holds its title. Engineers from MIT developed a material with higher optical absorption, and thus a darker color. While Vantablack absorbs almost all light to which it is exposed (99.96%), the new material is even closer to complete absorption, at more than 99.995%