Suggested Tip seems way off. How do they even choose these..

Image from and submitted by swift9000
image showing Suggested Tip seems way off. How do they even choose these..

ralf1 on September 17th, 2023 at 17:36 UTC »

Was this a split check by any chance? I've seen this happen in that scenario where the suggested tip was based on the full bill amount and not the portion you were paying.

2CrazyDogs on September 17th, 2023 at 18:32 UTC »

You should post the original itemized bill. Was there a coupon, comp, or discount?

Wishilikedhugs on September 17th, 2023 at 19:23 UTC »

I was curious if OP had answered people's requests for an itemized receipt and looked at their post history. Seems like a karma farm. Downvote this shit.