FDNY Assistant Chief Barbara looking up towards both World Trade Centers.

Image from preview.redd.it and submitted by OJ_Shrimpson_
image showing FDNY Assistant Chief Barbara looking up towards both World Trade Centers.

OJ_Shrimpson_ on September 11st, 2023 at 14:06 UTC »

Edit: Assistant Chief Barbara and 342 other firefighters would perish when both World Trade Center Towers eventually collapsed. Since then, 341 firefighters have died of 9/11 related illness, almost surpassing the 343 taken on the day of the attacks. May we never forget what these men and women did, what the FDNY, NYPD, PAPD, and all the nurses and doctors went through that day.

ComprehensiveAd1337 on September 11st, 2023 at 14:26 UTC »

My heart hurts just as much today as it did 22 years ago.

grogling5231 on September 11st, 2023 at 17:52 UTC »

A good friend was a battalion chief at a New Jersey department that day. He had the task of calling the FDNY city chief that day post collapse to offer any and all resources for the city. The chief was crying on the phone and couldn’t stop. It’s burned into his head forever.