Sunlight illuminates 1 WTC on the 22nd anniversary of 9/11 (view from my office this afternoon)

Image from and submitted by jimgeosmail
image showing Sunlight illuminates 1 WTC on the 22nd anniversary of 9/11 (view from my office this afternoon)

amiibohunter2015 on September 11st, 2023 at 23:17 UTC »

It just doesn't feel right not seeing them there. I had a large wall photo from pre 9-11 years ago that had the twin WTC buildings in it and now when I look at this it just feels strange not seeing them there anymore. I was fairly young when 9-11 happened.

RIP to all those who died that day.

My condolences to the survivors who lost someone (a coworker, friend, etc.) and to the families that lost loved ones on this day...

theoneewhoknocks on September 11st, 2023 at 23:48 UTC »

This was such a horrible day for so many people across the world- and so much changed that day. Although there was a lot of ugly that day, I like to redirect my thinking to how much kindness was shown that day; from people helping strangers in need, providing care to people who came out of those towers, and even comforting those who were just terrified.

Strangers being kind to strangers. 🤍

Low-Fly-1292 on September 11st, 2023 at 23:49 UTC »

I hope that every individual who died on or as a result of 9/11 is resting comfortably, in the next place, ✨.…looking down and admiring all their loved ones….patiently waiting to see them again one day