Pilot dies after a plane crashes during gender reveal party in Mexico. This is the aftermath.

Image from preview.redd.it and submitted by Lifegoesonforever
image showing Pilot dies after a plane crashes during gender reveal party in Mexico. This is the aftermath.

the-olympia on September 4th, 2023 at 20:41 UTC »

The crash really had nothing to do with the reveal, it looked like poor or missed maintenance. The wing literally fell off.

nukezwei on September 4th, 2023 at 21:28 UTC »

They're lucky that wing didn't come off 30 seconds earlier

NoNoNotorious89 on September 4th, 2023 at 23:38 UTC »

All theories are strictly speculative without a full investigation but it seems the most probable cause was a failed wing spar at the fuselage attachment. There’s an Airworthiness Directive (In the United States) for this part because it’s been know to fail from corrosion. Regarding the speed and G load, the plane does not appear to be operating outside its normal limitations. PA-25s were built specifically for spraying agricultural which is why it was able to drop the payload from the hopper. They’re also often used to pick up banners which is a far more aggressive maneuver than what’s depicted in the video. It should also be noted that when dropping a load from the hopper of an aircraft, the shift in the center of gravity will cause the plane to pitch up on its own. Tragic event exemplifying why routine maintenance is so important. Just my opinion