The Daily Populous

Sunday August 27th, 2023 night edition

image for A 5-year-old's lemonade stand in Seattle raised over $17,000 for victims of Maui wildfires

A 5-year-old's lemonade stand in Seattle raised over $17,000 for victims of Maui wildfires.

A 5-year-old child from Seattle is showing that there isn't an age requirement for helping others.

"At that point, I realized he really was paying attention and listening, that we needed to actually address it.

Amy said she and her husband immediately supported the idea and set up a lemonade stand on Saturday on their busy Seattle street.

It sold pink and yellow lemonade, sparkling water, popsicles, ice cream sandwiches, candy and even some of Eddie's toys, Ami shared.

Lemonade sold for a dollar each, but most people gave $5, $10 and $20 bills as part of their donation.

The lemonade stand made over $17,000 as of Friday, with a combination of profits from the stand, online donations and corporate matching from programs at Ami and her husband's jobs. »

"Hit list": Trump grand jurors face violent threats after names and addresses shared on QAnon forums

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"These grand jurors' names and other personal information have been linked on dangerous sites, in particular 4chan.

On a forum that has served as a hub for "Q," the central figure of the QAnon conspiracy theory, a user shared the names of the jurors alongside their addresses.

One user referred to the grand jurors' names as a "hit list," prompting another user to reply with, "Based. »

Top US general says Ukrainian forces have broken through Russian main lines of defense in some areas

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"Specifically on the axes of advance that (Ukrainian forces) are attacking right now, (Ukrainian forces) have attacked through the main defense belt," Milley said.

The chairman noted that Russian troops have been preparing a deep line of defense for many months and it has "mine fields, dragon's teeth, and tank ditches.

CNN also reported on Aug. 25, citing Ukraine's General Staff, that there are signs Ukrainian troops have broken through Russian defenses along the southern front line in Zaporizhzhia Oblast. »