Wife asked me to make half a pack of spaghetti

Image from preview.redd.it and submitted by AndrolThePageboy
image showing Wife asked me to make half a pack of spaghetti

gio_pepe on August 10th, 2023 at 15:54 UTC »

That's a reason for divorcetti

MaikeruGo on August 10th, 2023 at 16:58 UTC »

Reminds me of that joke about a programmer.

"A programmer is going to the grocery store and their spouse tells them, "Buy a gallon of milk, and if there are eggs, buy a dozen." The programmer goes to the store, makes their purchases, and drives home. Their spouse is furious upon seeing the groceries and asks, "why did you get 13 gallons of milk?" The programmer says, "There were eggs!"

Tsk201409 on August 10th, 2023 at 17:05 UTC »

Friend of mine always had spaghetti like this growing up. He refers to normal spaghetti as “long spaghetti” to this day. He’s in his 60s.