ITAP of a trail in Washington

Image from and submitted by bananaramapanama
image showing ITAP of a trail in Washington

bananaramapanama on July 21st, 2023 at 10:38 UTC »

As I stood on the trail in Washington, my camera in hand, I couldn't resist capturing the captivating scenery that lay before me. Despite the rain drizzling down, there was an undeniable beauty in the misty ambiance it created. The majestic Mountains enveloped me, their peaks shrouded in clouds, while tall trees reached for the sky, forming a lush canopy overhead. It was as if nature was embracing me in its serene embrace.

What truly enticed me to preserve this moment through my lens was the vintage feel that seemed to linger in the air, reminiscent of old photographs from a bygone era. The combination of the rainy atmosphere, the breathtaking landscape, and the nostalgic touch inspired me to capture this trail, immortalizing its charm for all time.

My Instagram is @treen.grees

Look-Its-Marino on July 21st, 2023 at 13:17 UTC »

I really like that the trail leads your eyes to the mountain. This was a great use of leading lines!

newforestwalker on July 21st, 2023 at 15:33 UTC »

Looks like a screenshot from Skyrim