Woman Suing Texas Over Abortion Ban Vomits During Trial After Reliving Trauma

Authored by newrepublic.com and submitted by WhileFalseRepeat
image for Woman Suing Texas Over Abortion Ban Vomits During Trial After Reliving Trauma

Rashida Tlaib quotes current + fmr. Israel officials talking about Palestinians.

"Beat them up not once—but repeatedly, beat them up until it's unbearable."

"There is no such thing as Palestinian people."

Asks how this is not racism—drowned out by gavel.pic.twitter.com/miFM0dUYV3 — Prem (@prem_thakker) July 18, 2023

Nevertheless, establishment politicians from both parties seized the moment to assail Jayapal and anyone else criticizing Israel, leading to Tuesday’s vote on the measure, introduced by Representative August Pfluger.

Apparently the Texas Republican has nothing better to do while his own district has been boiling in record-breaking triple-digit heat that has left scores of people sick, collapsing, and even dying. Pfluger has received over $1.1 million from the fossil fuel industry and another $28,050 from pro-Israel, election-denialist-supporting AIPAC. He has collected all that and more while only taking office three years ago.

Meanwhile, Pfluger, like most of those who supported this resolution, has little regard for the actual human rights abuses inflicted upon Palestinians, let alone for the day-to-day struggles people in America are facing. Instead, our taxpayer money is going toward our representatives pledging fealty, and billions of dollars, to a country committing international human rights violations.

theClumsy1 on July 20th, 2023 at 14:59 UTC »

One of the lead plaintiffs, Amanda Zurawski, testified that she was initially excited to become pregnant. But her water broke prematurely at about 18 weeks, meaning the fetus wouldn’t survive—and her life was at risk if she couldn’t get an abortion. Under the repressive new laws, a Texas hospital refused to help her until she became much sicker. Thanks to the Republican-made delay, Zurawski developed sepsis. People who suffer from septic shock have a mortality rate of up to 40 percent, and even after recovering, sepsis still carries a fatal risk.

Developing sepsis means you have been infected with microorganisms, especially harmful bacteria. Sepsis Shock means the infection spread so far thru your body your body starts failing. AKA, the baby has to ROT INSIDE YOU before the state or hospital would do anything to protect your life.

WaterChi on July 20th, 2023 at 14:44 UTC »

...and the right celebrated.

This is all you have to know about there real push behind abortion bans

Politico reporter Alice Miranda Ollstein reports that the state simply objected, calling the nightmarish testimony “irrelevant.”

They don't care. It's not about life, it's about control. In their eyes, this woman "learned her place" and this was a resounding success. A warning to any other woman who dares to speak up.

WhileFalseRepeat on July 20th, 2023 at 14:38 UTC »

Samantha Casiano vomited while retelling the story of how she was denied access to an abortion after her baby was diagnosed with anencephaly, a birth defect in which a baby is born without parts of the brain and skull. Casiano said she had to watch her baby die after giving birth.

The Republican war on women is cruel and insane.

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