ITAP of a lighthouse

Image from and submitted by PKilleenPhotography
image showing ITAP of a lighthouse

raffirules on July 18th, 2023 at 08:29 UTC »


Familiar_Ad9727 on July 18th, 2023 at 09:18 UTC »

Absolutely terrifying I love it!

UncleDat on July 18th, 2023 at 12:17 UTC »

Wow - thank you. I spent hours and hours staring at that lighthouse as a kid from Cranfield point. I fished the wrecks near it. I fell asleep to the foghorn - every 32 seconds. It always fascinated me. We got up beside it one day during a spring tide and I remember the red gloss door that seemed to have about 300 coats on it. I wanted nothing more as a kid to spend my holidays living in it and fishing from it.

Anyways - thanks again. I am travelling back to there from Australia next month and although I always feel curiously mourneful (locals will get that pun) I will sit again on a quiet shore and gaze upon it. I am not even sure if they still run the foghorn but if they did and it was the same I reckon it would be a mindf***.

If you are interested this is what it is like from the inside...