Teacher fired for speaking out against school banning the song “Rainbowland”

Authored by lgbtqnation.com and submitted by southpawFA
image for Teacher fired for speaking out against school banning the song “Rainbowland”

Nine members of a school board in a deep red part of Wisconsin have voted unanimously to fire a teacher who spoke out against her district’s decision to ban the song “Rainbowland,” written by Dolly Parton and Miley Cyrus, from a children’s concert.

The board said that they fired Melissa Tempel because she spoke out publicly without first talking to her supervisors. However, Tempel insists that she was fired because she chose a song with the word “rainbow” in its title and a message of acceptance in its lyrics.

Tempel’s first-grade class at Heyer Elementary School in Waukesha, Wisconsin planned to perform the Parton/Cyrus duet, but the school banned them from singing the song.

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“My first graders were so excited to sing Rainbowland for our spring concert but it has been vetoed by our administration,” Tempel tweeted. “When will it end?”

Several parents spoke out as well, including Sarah Schindler, the mother of a student in Tempel’s class. She said that the school board had recently experienced a “conservative flip” and that they banned anything they deemed controversial, “saying that teachers can’t have any kind of signage that could be deemed political… Discussion of pronouns with students was another thing that came up. And teachers aren’t allowed to wear rainbows.”

Another parent, Leigh Radichel Tracy, said the district “has really cracked down on anything LGBTQ.”

After the story got national attention, Heyer Elementary School Principal Mark Schneider said that he and a school administrator had reviewed the song and found that it “could be deemed controversial” because of the policy. They didn’t explain why.

Tempel was put on leave after she tweeted about the ban, and in May, she received notice that district Superintendent James Sebert would recommend that the board fire her.

This past Wednesday, the district held a four-hour hearing about Tempel, where Sebert said Tempel “deliberately brought negative attention to the school district because she disagreed with the decision as opposed to following protocol and procedure.”

“I believe that behavior is intolerable,” he said.

“I thought that the fact that the tweet that I made – that Rainbowland wasn’t going to be allowed – was something that the public would be really concerned about and that they would be interested in knowing about it,” Tempel said at the hearing.

She now says she plans to sue. She was a government employee, so firing her for her speech outside the classroom could have violated the First Amendment, former U.S. attorney James Santelle told The Guardian.

UWCG on July 15th, 2023 at 19:53 UTC »

The second [commandment] is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.” Certain Exceptions Apply

—Republican Jesus to the Party of Family Values

The amount of kicking and screaming the right does whenever there's mention of tolerance or acceptance is unbelievable

SapphicAspirations on July 15th, 2023 at 19:39 UTC »

All of this is fascism, and I don’t say that flippantly. I am aware of the negative connotation of that word and history behind it.

She spoke up about an unjust, targeted plan to ban a song about accepting all. A message of kindness and respect for differences. To ban this song is example enough, but to fire a person for expressing a position opposite of that…that is about control, and silencing people that you hate.

It is one thing to pooh-pooh that this is fascism, it quite another to be victimized by fascism and have people gaslight you.

Edit: thank you for the gilding. I do hope that we are focused on rooting out these acts, naming them for what they are and the purpose to hold people down. I appreciate the expression of ideas and feelings here.

southpawFA on July 15th, 2023 at 19:38 UTC »

The board said that they fired Melissa Tempel because she spoke out publicly without first talking to her supervisors.

However, Tempel insists that she was fired because she chose a song with the word “rainbow” in its title and a message of acceptance in its lyrics.

Several parents spoke out as well, including Sarah Schindler, the mother of a student in Tempel’s class.

She said that the school board had recently experienced a “conservative flip” and that they banned anything they deemed controversial, “saying that teachers can’t have any kind of signage that could be deemed political… Discussion of pronouns with students was another thing that came up. And teachers aren’t allowed to wear rainbows.”

Another parent, Leigh Radichel Tracy, said the district “has really cracked down on anything LGBTQ.”

She (Tempel) now says she plans to sue. She was a government employee, so firing her for her speech outside the classroom could have violated the First Amendment, former U.S. attorney James Santelle told The Guardian.

I hope she wins the lawsuit! This Moms for Christian Nationalism school board needs to suffer the consequences. This is ridiculous.

The Christian nationalist hate mob in America somehow sees accepting and being kind to others as "woke".

I guess that only means they want LGBTQIA+ kids to be buried in the ground.

It's not a well-kept secret.