U.S. Is Destroying the Last of Its Once-Vast Chemical Weapons Arsenal

Authored by nytimes.com and submitted by PopeHonkersXII

In a sealed room behind a gantlet of armed guards and three rows of high barbed wire at the Army’s Pueblo Chemical Depot in Colorado, a team of robotic arms was busily disassembling some of the last of the United States’ vast and ghastly stockpile of chemical weapons.

In went artillery shells filled with deadly mustard agent that the Army had been storing for more than 70 years. The bright yellow robots pierced, drained and washed each shell, then baked it at 1,500 degrees Fahrenheit. Out came inert and harmless scrap metal, falling off a conveyor belt into an ordinary brown dumpster with a resounding clank.

“That’s the sound of a chemical weapon dying,” said Kingston Reif, who spent years pushing for disarmament outside government and is now the deputy assistant secretary of defense for threat reduction and arms control. He smiled as another shell clanked into the dumpster.

The destruction of the stockpile has taken decades, and the Army says the work is just about finished. The depot near Pueblo destroyed its last weapon in June; the remaining handful at another depot in Kentucky will be destroyed in the next few days. And when they are gone, all of the world’s publicly declared chemical weapons will have been eliminated.

thegoatmenace on July 7th, 2023 at 00:27 UTC »

Isn’t this uplifting news? Why are all the comments so cynical?

It’s objectively a good thing that the US is decommissioning these weapons. It takes a long time to do it safely, it’s not like they are dragging their feet in case they want to use them. The US decided a long time ago that Chem weapons were immoral and dubiously useful, which is why it signed and ratified the chemical weapons convention over 25 years ago.

If you have to bash the US for this or that, this isn’t the hill to die on

TorontoTom2008 on July 6th, 2023 at 18:01 UTC »

This has been a long, long running project. Technically challenging and involves safe destruction of the weapons, the stocks and decommissioning/cleanup of the facilities. Good to hear they’re nearing the end!

picasso71 on July 6th, 2023 at 17:49 UTC »

Anyone got a non paywall version?