ITAP of Reddit’s Ability to Communicate

Image from and submitted by tyex23
image showing ITAP of Reddit’s Ability to Communicate

tyex23 on June 12nd, 2023 at 11:15 UTC »

Today, we shed light on Reddit's lackluster communication regarding the recent API changes that have impacted users, moderators, and third-party app developers. Join us in the comments to discuss the repercussions of these changes and share your concerns. Consider taking a stand by temporarily refraining from using Reddit until the company improves its communication regarding the API changes. Together, we can amplify the call for better transparency and engagement surrounding this critical issue.

danfay222 on June 13rd, 2023 at 17:31 UTC »

I am dramatically more annoyed by a lot of these subreddits responses to reddit’s changes than I am by the actual changes.

I really hope these black pic posts are a one off thing, non picture related posts are like the exact reason ITAP was created in place of r/pics