(OC) this couple on my flight the other day

Image from preview.redd.it and submitted by anthnyshark
image showing (OC) this couple on my flight the other day

atrophiedambitions on July 5th, 2022 at 20:14 UTC »

One of them might have received an organ transplant.

Folks who have had a transplant have to take immunosuppressants that more or less neutralize (EDIT) prevent the vaccines from being as effective in some people while suppressing immune function to prevent organ rejection.

EDIT: also could be a host of auto-immune/cancer issues that cause the extra precaution. When I see stuff like this I try to remember that this pandemic has been way harder on people for whom the vaccines aren't an effective preventative measure.

Emergencyhiredhito on July 5th, 2022 at 20:34 UTC »

I mean I get it. My sister recently got diagnosed with brain cancer and I’m taking a train to see her. You bet your ass I’m gonna be covered in PPE so I don’t bring any shit to her.

Edit: Holy smokes, didn’t expect this to take off the way it did. Thank you all for the support and tips, especially pertaining to proper mask fittings. Cancer is scary shit, and having a family member with it has meant putting on a brave face with them. I vent to my friends and they’re very supportive, but it’s been so so heartwarming to be getting such an outpouring of love and advice from people I don’t even know. Thank you all so much, and stay healthy!!

eva_rector on July 5th, 2022 at 20:40 UTC »

A friend of mine is undergoing cancer treatment; if he had to travel anywhere, he would likely be wearing something similar, because his immune system is shot.