Oh the nostalgia, just bought for $75

Image from preview.redd.it and submitted by Carcave81
image showing Oh the nostalgia, just bought for $75

looking4astronauts on January 20th, 2022 at 00:21 UTC »

I had one of those. I remember it having really loud obnoxious alarms.

RamsesThePigeon on January 20th, 2022 at 00:33 UTC »

Remember gak?

It was basically just a semi-slimy non-Newtonian fluid that was marketed as being a source of irreverent fun for kids. The commercials certainly tried to push that perspective, at any rate... but whenever you tried to actually play with it, you'd inevitably wind up being sent to your room while your mother muttered something like "How did it get on the ceiling?!"

It also dried up if you so much as whispered the word "sunlight" to it, and the suggestion that it could be resurrected by dumping water on it only ever resulted it a tacky, paste-like sludge.

The '90s were weird, man.

LAndoftheLAke on January 20th, 2022 at 00:58 UTC »

The 90s were sick