US Capitol rioter gets 5 years in jail after throwing fire extinguisher at police

Authored by and submitted by DenniseDurso
image for US Capitol rioter gets 5 years in jail after throwing fire extinguisher at police

(CNN) A Florida man who enthusiastically attacked police at the US Capitol on January 6 with a fire extinguisher, a wooden plank and a pole was sentenced to more than five years in prison on Friday, the longest sentence for a Capitol rioter thus far.

Robert Scott Palmer at the US Capitol on January 6, 2021.

Robert Scott Palmer is the first person to be sentenced for the felony of assaulting an officer with a dangerous weapon. His 63-month sentence could set a benchmark for the more than 140 others who face the same charge.

"Every day we are hearing about reports of antidemocratic factions, people plotting potential violence in 2024," District Judge Tanya Chutkan said as she handed down the sentence. "It has to be made clear that trying to stop the peaceful transition of power, assaulting law enforcement, is going to be met with certain punishment. Not staying at home, not watching Netflix, not doing what you were doing before you got arrested."

Palmer was first publicly identified by online sleuths, who tracked him down through pictures and video of Palmer in an American flag jacket brawling outside the Capitol. According to his plea agreement, Palmer sprayed a fire extinguisher at a line of police and twice threw the empty canister. When he refused to back down, Palmer was shot in the stomach with a rubber bullet.

"I wonder if the people who are usually before me," Chutkan said of Black and minority defendants she presides over, "if they had tried to storm the Capitol that day, would they have been met with rubber bullets. I suspect not."

Spacemonkie4207 on December 18th, 2021 at 04:02 UTC »

Wanted four more years

Got five

jonathanrdt on December 17th, 2021 at 20:51 UTC »

Wikipedia is keeping track of all of these.

By February 1, 228 people from 39 states and DC had been charged with federal and/or DC offences.[47] By April 23, 439 people had been charged.[48] By early September, there were over 600 federal defendants, 10% of whom had pled guilty,[49] and hundreds more arrests expected to come.[50] By October 13, there were over 630 federal defendants and 100 guilty pleas, and BuzzFeed published a searchable table of the plea deals.[51]

Most defendants face "two class-B misdemeanor counts for demonstrating in the Capitol and disorderly conduct, and two class-A misdemeanor counts for being in a restricted building and disruptive activity," according to BuzzFeed, and therefore most plea deals address those misdemeanors. Some defendants have been additionally charged with felonies.[52]

We're still only about 15% of the way through these prosecutions with many more deals and sentences to come.

downund3r on December 17th, 2021 at 20:14 UTC »

There goes 5 years of his life and his right to vote in 2024.