Mugshots of James & Jennifer Crumbley, parents of the accused Oxford HS shooter. Both arrested now.

Image from and submitted by s_y_s_t_e_m_i_c_
image showing Mugshots of James & Jennifer Crumbley, parents of the accused Oxford HS shooter. Both arrested now.

Captcha_Imagination on December 4th, 2021 at 13:18 UTC »

I don't understand why they ran.....have any other parents of school shooters been convicted?

cabalos on December 4th, 2021 at 14:17 UTC »

Should have hid out in the end zone at Ford Field.

nazump on December 4th, 2021 at 14:42 UTC »

I really think the drawing with the words, "The thoughts won't stop. Help me." is really going to help the shooter in this case, and the fact that the parents were informed and even sent a text saying, "Don't do it." is going to be the nail in their coffin.