I became homeless after the Army, so I decided to walk across America a few times for charities.

Image from preview.redd.it and submitted by jakedoesamerica
image showing I became homeless after the Army, so I decided to walk across America a few times for charities.

jakedoesamerica on October 8th, 2021 at 18:21 UTC »

I became homeless after I got out of the Army and was suffering from PTSD. Because I found walking to be therapeutic, I decided to walk across America. Since I knew I was going to be walking a lot of miles, I thought it would be a good idea to partner up with different charities, which ultimately gave me a sense of purpose. Alone and unsupported, I spent the next three years traveling from Tennessee to Delaware, to California, to Florida, to Alaska, back to Florida, and back to California again. During that time, I helped raise money for Wounded Warriors Project, Shot At Life, and St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. Although I was helping to raise money for those charities, none of the proceeds went to me. While I had everything I needed to survive, I would sometimes find odd jobs if I wanted to buy new gear, pay my phone bill, or get an occasional motel room. For food, I did a lot of hunting, trapping, fishing, foraging, and even dumpster diving while passing through towns. After covering 10,000 miles, I was diagnosed with cancer and began working on a book about my experiences from traveling the country on foot. About a year later, I finished writing my book and titled it "Walking America: A 10,000 Mile Journey of Self-Healing." I am now walking across America again from California to Maine to get my story out there. Although I carried a backpack during my previous travels, I am now pushing a cart, which I have loaded with my tent, sleeping bag, clothes, and about fifty copies of my book at a time. The goal is to try and sell 10,000 copies by the time I reach Maine. If you would like to help support my endeavors, you can find my book, pictures, audiobook, PDF, and follow my current progress on my website at


Feel free to ask any questions!


unimatrix_zer0 on October 8th, 2021 at 18:40 UTC »

This is such a weird mix of r/aboringdystopia and r/getmotivated. Glad you survived and found purpose, and sorry the government sucks so much.

sherm137 on October 8th, 2021 at 23:08 UTC »

Oh look, the guy who's posted the exact same story under multiple Reddit usernames is back trying to sling his book again.

I wonder if I should share the nasty, vile PMs he's sent me in the past.