This t-shirt found in Goodwill that almost resulted in a public ugly-cry.

Image from and submitted by a-horse-has-no-name
image showing This t-shirt found in Goodwill that almost resulted in a public ugly-cry.

TuringC0mplete on October 7th, 2021 at 13:54 UTC »

Too soon. Seymour was the best boy.

edbudda on October 7th, 2021 at 14:07 UTC »

Is it just the angle or is that shirt super short? Don't mean to fat shame but it's like an XL crop top.

Tokzillu on October 7th, 2021 at 16:53 UTC »

I've watched every Futurama episode that's ever aired.

I've watched the series at least four times from start to finale.

I always skip Jurassic Bark because I still remember it from it airing on TV and I just don't want to take that gut punch again. Literally no other episode of any other show can make me cry like that one does.

Even the episode with Frys mom gets me, at best, misty eyed. Just seeing that Jurassic Bark is the episode makes me ugly cry.