When you raise your own meat and grow your own potatoes, life is good.

Image from preview.redd.it and submitted by jerintex
image showing When you raise your own meat and grow your own potatoes, life is good.

NotYouTodd on September 18th, 2021 at 23:00 UTC »

I agree. Kids are delicious.

SaintPaddy on September 18th, 2021 at 23:20 UTC »

Your colon would appreciate a side salad, help the movement along there the next day eh?

jloy88 on September 19th, 2021 at 04:08 UTC »

We bought our home on the outskirts of town and last year started raising pigs and chickens for consumption. We failed miserably. Our pigs were named Thanksgiving and Christmas when we bought them at 2 months old with the plan to process them to a slaughterhouse when they were 3 years old. They are about 1-1/2 now and have now become members of our backyard family so much so that I honestly couldn't look my daughters in the eye if I killed their baby Chrissy and Tanks, which is what they've affectionately been renamed to.

Same goes for the 4 chickens, even though they annoy the piss out of me having raised them from chickadees to now I would find it difficult to end them just for my own gluttony. There is a sense of bonding that comes with raising any living thing and when you have children who become attached to these animals it makes it all the harder to just end their life.