I love and miss this man to my core daily. This is your self care reminder❤️

Image from preview.redd.it and submitted by BringBackTheNinties
image showing I love and miss this man to my core daily. This is your self care reminder❤️

imallSevens on August 10th, 2021 at 19:57 UTC »

He was a treasure that is missed everyday

That being said, pictures with text are best suited in another subreddit

Kataclysm on August 10th, 2021 at 20:24 UTC »

We still don't have anyone even close to "replacing” him. What an amazing experience.

Garetht on August 10th, 2021 at 21:00 UTC »

Original source here: https://old.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/o6c5se/serious_what_celebrity_death_hit_you_the_hardest/h2tp7ck/

I shared my story in my own comment but just so people can know the magic that was this man.

Robin Williams. I've told this story on other accounts but I love telling it

As a kid I was one of 10 winners for a sweepstakes to be a pen pal with Robin for a year. I was stoked and I'm like 8 or 9 years old. My brother and sister told me it probably wasnt going to be him, just a publicist or intern.

I didn't care.

For months we sent so many letters of silliness, all his letters were long and he really loved talking about Zelda (she's a little older than me) and all the new projects he was working on.

My family went to Disney that summer and I wrote a letter while in the car and I was determined to give it to Genie because I was convinced he was always playing him in the costume and wanted to hand deliver at least one.

My brother and sister were again deterring me but I wasn't breaking my gait.

Well of all coincidences in the world Robin actually was there signing autographs. I was ecstatic. Literally jumping for joy as I'm in line.

We get to him and I'm rambling like a motherfucker telling him how I was a winner and about the letter and yada yada.

He just goes "Kyle?!" With a massive grin and opens his coat and pulls out my letter from a month prior that was with a few others. Apparently he kept all our letters on him while on the road to help cheer himself up (which devastates me now thinking about what that meant).

I almost fainted. I cannot Express the amount of electric energy surging through me knowing Robin Williams actually wrote me, knew me, and I believe truly loved me and those other kids like we were his children.

I'll never ever claim anybody was a bigger fan of his than Zelda. I respect her too much to say that. But I'm definitely his second biggest fan of all time.

When he died I cried into my then wife's arms for a full hour. I felt I really lost a true friend that got me through so much growing up. A man that could get my siblings and I to shut up and just revel in his magic for hours at a time.

I miss you Robin. Every day.