Already did it

Image from and submitted by Bara345
image showing Already did it

RurikTheDamned on July 10th, 2021 at 14:06 UTC »

What's funny is I'm in Scotland and my tax is 20% and I get healthcare.

paradoxologist on July 10th, 2021 at 15:02 UTC »

Just a few years ago, I was at a town hall meeting held by a right-wing Republican Congressman when an older woman who was sitting among the red-capped Trumpletons in the audience stood up and gave a rambling, disjointed speech about how it was "in her day" when people were independent, pulled themselves up by their bootstraps, worked hard, and didn't seek handouts from the government. She finished her little rant by saying, without the slightest hint of irony or embarrassment, "just keep your hands off my Medicare". What she was really saying was anything that helped her was good but if it helped other people then it was Socialist and, therefore, evil. Or, to put it another way, "Hooray for us and f**k you!" Typical Republicans.

Die-Ringer on July 10th, 2021 at 15:06 UTC »

My current health insurance is $500 a paycheck, or roughly $12,000 a year, just for the insurance.

Then my deductible is $4,000. Meaning the insurance doesn’t cover ANYTHING until I pay an additional $4,000 out of my own pocket towards medical bills.

So, once I’ve essentially paid $16,000 to my insurance they start covering my medical bills 80/20. They cover 80%, I’m responsible for the other 20%.

And on top of all that I’m still getting taxed 25% from the feds. So literally, you could raise my taxes another $16,000 a year on top of the 25% and I’d still be better off than I am now if I never saw a medical bill again.

The problem is, Americans absolutely can not stand the thought of “their” money helping another person even if it’s greatly helping them. Me personally, I don’t give a shit if the government took $16,000 from my paycheck and it went to someone else because my life will still be way better than it is now….