
Image from and submitted by Deep-Kick5483
image showing Peace

ghostgabe81 on June 27th, 2021 at 06:46 UTC »

I’m a guy who’s had that said to me a couple times and my god is it annoying. I’m not smiling because I have to deal with people like you all day

Et_Invictam on June 27th, 2021 at 07:41 UTC »

this comment section makes me laugh.

imagine being unfunny and telling a bad joke, then when they don’t laugh at said joke, you tell them to “smile more often”

uhhhh, get a better sense of humor maybe? learn that if someone doesn’t respond the way you want, you figure out how to make them respond that way instead of being condescending and telling them to smile.

because that’s what that is. you being an asshole. it don’t matter if you’re trying to be nice about it, use your words better. i thought we all learned to think before we say when we were kids. clearly y’all ain’t heard that.

pack your shit, the circus is recruiting clowns.

invertedspine on June 27th, 2021 at 09:55 UTC »

Telling a stranger to smile? You have no idea what they’re going through. Maybe something bad happened, or they’re just not feeling good. There’s plenty of reasons for someone not to smile.