Hindsight is 20/20.

Image from preview.redd.it and submitted by CrooklynKnight
image showing Hindsight is 20/20.

MFAWG on June 15th, 2021 at 03:22 UTC »

Damn, my ex told me a great story: her mother would take them from Columbia, Missouri once a year to go sit in the bleachers and watch the Cardinals play.

She and her brother used to get mad that they didn’t get better seats or go more often.

She was really in her 30s before she understood that that was the best her mother could do, and sometimes it was tough to do that but she did it anyway.

To this day my ex buys the best seats she can swing when she goes to a game.

Not out of spite, but because you do the best you can do when the time comes.

eric_3196 on June 15th, 2021 at 03:47 UTC »

And when you see them pulling into the driveway you hurry to take the meat out of the freezer and blast it with hot water in the sink as tho that will make any difference

Sleep-system on June 15th, 2021 at 06:13 UTC »

I remember one time my mom asked me to have the dishes washed and put the chicken out to thaw before she got home. I forgot and instead of getting mad she started crying. I never forgot that shit again.